Reading Level: Adult
Genre(s): Fiction, chick-lit
Pages: 400
Publisher: Harper
Published: 2004
My Rating: 4/5
My Thoughts:
I don't really know how to express what I want to say about this book.
Well, actually, let me start off by saying that I could not stand Vivi throughout a lot of the story. I wanted to punch her for treating Siddalee (her oldest daughter) like a piece of crap.
At times, Vivi annoyed me to the point where I wanted to scream at her. She struck me as melodramatic and snobby. If the author was trying to make Vivi an unlikable character then she did very good.
The Ya-Yas (Caro, Teensy, Necie, Vivi) were interesting to read about. I liked reading about when they were younger. They had weird lives and Teensy struck me as a pervert. But it's all good. It was still interesting to read about.
Siddalee annoyed me also. Now, don't get me wrong, she seemed like a nice person, but she was so damn obsessed with her mother that it was insane and odd. She always talked about Vivi's smell and how she knew she was near because of her smell. Strange, right? I just found it odd that she looked up to her mom so much, yet the woman was pretty much a... *the b word* to her. Although we do come to learn a lot about Vivi's childhood, and she didn't have the best upbringing.
At times I found this book to be too much of a drag. I got really bored and didn't want to continue reading. I mean, the whole thing was pretty much Siddalee reading the Ya-Yas Divine Secrets and then Siddalee reminiscing about her own past. Although, you do learn a lot of things about each character throughout the reminiscing and reading of the Divine Secrets.
All in all, this was a pretty good book. I did enjoy it most of the time. This was also something that I would have never read had I not picked it up at a thrift shop for pretty much nothing. I'm glad I gave it a chance.
I read this one about six years ago and really liked it. It was fun to read your review of it!